An Introduction to Ground Source Heat Pump Systems
Held on Monday, April 13, 2015 at the Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center in Appomattox, VA
This workshop was sponsored by the Agricultural Energy Efficiency Initiative and delivered by Virginia Cooperative Extension. The workshop described Ground Source Heat Pump Systems (GSHP), or geothermal, systems and highlighted existing and potential applications, primarily drawing from residential experiences, while also beginning to explore more agricultural applications. The format of the workshop consisted of several presentations on: system components, siting constraints, as well as more anecdotal experiences from GSHP system owners, among other content.
Selected materials from the workshop are posted below.
Overview of the Agricultural Energy Efficiency Initiative (AEEI) Program
John Ignosh, Area Specialist, Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Harrisonburg, VA
On-farm Energy Efficiency Initiative of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
David Faulkner, Natural Resource Economist, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Richmond, VA
Introductory Overview of Ground Source Heat Pump Technologies
Dr. Guney Olgun, Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Virginia Regulations Regarding Ground Source Heat Pump Systems (video)
Danna Revis, Office of Environmental Health Services, Virginia Department of Health
Lance Gregory, Environmental Health Coordinator, Virginia Department of Health
Experiences with Different Ground Source Heat Pump Systems in Virginia
- David Faulkner, Residential GSHP experiences
- Residential GSHP (with lake-based system)
Dr. Joyce Latimer, Extension Specialist, Dept. Horticulture, Virginia Cooperative Extension - Well water heat exchanger with solar thermal at an aquacultural facility
Bob Lane, Seafood Extension Specialist, Dept. Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Cooperative Extension
More In-depth Exploration of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems
Dr. Guney Olgun, Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Additional Materials
Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency
Ground Source Heat Pump Modules within the Renewable Energy Technology Screening Tool (RETScreen)
Introduction to the Virginia Household Water Quality Program
Erin Ling, Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Cooperative Extension
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